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Turkish leaders successfully show their selves in the international arena recently. The most important feature of these names who is in charge in the world’s giant companies; their ability to determine the right vision for their companies and their high communication and motivation skills. Let’s get to know these names who have proved their success by managing the process even under difficult decision processes and in environments of uncertainty. Muhtar Kent is one of the first names we would recall when we say ‘successful Turkish businessman’. Kent started working for Coca Cola on 1 July 2008 with the title, CEO. World beverage giant Coca-Cola’s head was born in 1952, in New York City as the periods French Consul General Necdet Kent’s son. After graduating from Tarsus American College, Kent goes to University of Hull, England to complete his higher education. He starts his business life with sales and truck loading in Coca-Cola in 1978. Until 2005 he works for Efes Pilsen for a period and seven years later he becomes the head of Coca-Cola North Asia , Eurasia and Middle East. Kent, by taking the place of Neville Isdell (Coca- Cola ‘s former Chairman) became the new Board Chairman after the elections held in 23 April 2009 elections. After Muhtar Kent was elected as the CEO of Coca-Cola, he owned the title of ‘first Turk who does senior management for a company that acknowledged by Fortune 500’ in July 2009. For Turkish leaders who govern the world’s leading companies, Kent is an icon with his performance and success in Coca Cola. With 43 billion turnover annually, Ümran Beba deals the world’s leading American beverage firms PepsiCo’s most critical region the Asia Pacific Region Presidency. She graduated from Robert College in 1982, and completed her higher education in Boğaziçi University Department of Industrial Engineering. She starts his business career at Barem Market Research and Education Center. In 2004, she became the Head of Eastern Mediterranean Region Food and Beverage Department and contributed to exceptional results in PepsiCo’s Syria and Iraq markets. In 2009, Beba appointed for the Presidency of the Southeast European Region of PepsiCo and other titles such as PepsiCo Asia Pacific Region President and Head of EMEA Region Human Resources followed. Sani Sener graduated from Karadeniz Technical University Department of Mechanical Engineering and in 1979 he finished his master degree in Fluid Mechanics at Sussex University, England. Şener, who was appointed TAV Airports Member of the Board and CEO in 1997, was awarded by the Karadeniz Technical University Mechanical Engineering Faculty, due to his contributions to the development of Turkish engineering at an international level. He was awarded honorary doctorate degree in business management by American Hellenic University due to his achievements in Project and Risk Management. Şener, also a member of Airports Council International (ACI) European Board, was shown among the most influential leaders in the world in airport management sector in the last 20 years, in Global Airport Development (GAD) conference. Yağmur Sağnak respectively graduated from Şişli Terakki and Alman Lisesi. His story of success starts with a change of mind during college years. Instead of choosing engineering (as he wanted for a long time), by changing his list of choice at the last minute he got accepted to Istanbul University, Depatment of Business. Sağnak also works during his college years and in his senior year he starts working fulltime for Unilever in Export Supervisor position. After his graduation, he got appointed to Purchasing Department in Lever –one of Unilever companies- . Despite his young age, making a connection circle in business world, Sağnak dealt with 30-40 million dollars exports in Iraq, Iran and the USSR. After this success, first he become the Product Manager and after he doubled Signal’s market share(which was %16) in 3 years and rose up to Global Marketing Director. After the merging of Johnson Diversey and Johnson Wax Professional, he became the Vice-President of the European Food Industry. After a while, the responsibility of the General Directorate of Turkey is being added to all. Sağnak, who manages Turkey operations successfully, also accepts Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Turkey Region Vice President title which covers 93 countries and doubles the total turnover of the region in 3 years. Yağmur Sağnak took the position of European Region Vice President during 2008 crisis and even under challenging economic conditions he continued to increase growth and profitability. At the end of 2010, in line with the company’s growth strategy, Sağnak became the Asia-Pacific, Africa, the Middle East and Turkey Presidency. Today he is forming the market that includes 2/3 of the world population. Following the purchase of Diversey by Sealed Air in October 2011, he became Sealed Air Asia, Middle East, Africa and Turkey (AMAT) Region Director. AMAT region also covers Caucasus and Turkic Republics. World-renowned American based software and IT company Microsoft’s General Manager Çağlayan Arkan was born in Ankara in 1962. He graduates from Middle East Technical University Industrial Engineering in 1985 and starts his professional life in Tekofaks, in 1984. Later he completes Executive MBA in METU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and continue his career as Sales Manager. Between 1987 – 1997 he works for Kopiteknik Corporate Group as the co-founder and board member until he starts working for Siemens Business Service as General Manager . After starting for Microsoft, Arkan became one the authorities who led the company to %300 growth with “Turkey Develops with ICT “ vision in 2003. By 2009 in the organization responsible for Microsoft’s enterprise customers, he gets the title of ‘Directorate General for Production and Supply’ . Arkan managed to bring Microsoft’s criteria and priorities of Turkey together the best way. With his performance, creativity and success in teamwork he moved Microsoft Turkey a step forward. Koçak starts his education life in Middle East Technical University , Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, Department of Business Administration. He completes Bogaziçi University Business Administration MA and “ International Executive Programme” in one of the world’s leading business schools, INSEAD in France. Koçak’s professional career begins with Henkel Turkey in 1983 and he works in different positions such as Vice President of Financial and Administrative Affairs within the same company. In 2011, he was appointed to the title ‘Henkel Middle East and Africa Region CFO and worked with Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa CFO’s. Koçak devoted himself to Henkel. For Koçak who serves as Chairman of the Executive Board at Henkel today “love and respect” are the key words in both private and business life. Tuygan Göker have made Indonesia Roche the leading company in the country in one year. The previous year, Roche was only 17th in the list. Göker is a successful business man who took his first steps from point zero. He was born in 1952 in Kayseri. He graduated from Ankara Gazi University , Faculty of Pharmacy. In 1976, he began his career in the Ministry of Health Department of Pharmacy and continued working in different titles in Roche for 29 years. In the beginning of 1980s, Göker was the global head of Anti-Infective, Oncology, Virology units in Roche Headquarters in Basel. Göker, assigned as Roche Indonesia General Manager between 1996- 1998, worked as Middle and East Europe Manager from 1999 to 2007, with 22 countries. With his passion and perseverance for work he still owns that title today with 110 countries that covers 3 billion population. Tuygan Göker is an example to all the young talents in Turkish business world today.