Anasayfa / Corner post / UNDERSTANDING THE NEW WORLD

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Emin Çapa, the famous producer and presenter for CNN Türk, wrote about ‘the New World’ for Strategy. “We are going through times marked by breakthrough in history” states Çapa pointing out that a power shift is observed over the world. According to Çapa, a technology boom is happening fueled by science in the new world.

THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED with the history know that the history becomes sometimes very speedy and several events occur in a very short time. And there are times that nothing important happens for long years. However, the interesting point is that the majority part of humans don’t notice this change of revolutionary quality. The changes happen after an accumulation. Therefore, we live as if nothing happens, as if today is not different from yesterday.

This is just the description of the times we are going through. We are going through times marked by breakthrough in history. One side of this picture is economic. There is a serious power shift in the economy which we are talking about since years. The power shifts from Atlantic to Pacific. We all see and feel the great rise of China. However, we will also talk a lot about India in the upcoming years. While China lowers speed, India speeds up. Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, India and even Vietnam keep growing at a very high speed. This power shift will have corporate, political, cultural, socio-politic and military consequences over the next years. Those rising will eventually require to have more say.

On the other hand, a big technological transformation also happens in the world. Actually, the striking speed of the implementation process of scientific works to the technology lies behind this progress. A technology boom of scientific origin happens in the world. In recent years, the use of huge potential of the quantum mechanics in a wide range from medicine to the information technology, sparked the technological development. (I have to confess I thought that I understand more or less the quantum but five minutes later, I realized that I understand nothing, in fact. It’s so far from reason and common sense that even a genius like Einstein made a crucial mistake and couldn’t accept it.) However, we are living a transformation not only in this field, but everywhere the digitalization is touching.

Though we couldn’t perceive its outcomes effectively, we see the clues. For example, 63 per cent of the companies ranking between 1957 and 1997 on Fortune 500, covering the world’s largest companies, don’t exist today. They went either bankrupt or they were acquired, merged and thus, they disappeared. Which notion makes impossible for the big companies to survive? Of course, the technological transformation. 63 per cent of the companies founded 5-10 years ago, have a market capitalization higher than the oldest companies of the world. Today, let alone the companies like Google, Facebook, even the appraisal for the companies like Uber, not public yet, is dazzling. Those adopting rapidly the digitalization and succeeding to get benefit from the digital world, runs far ahead of others.

Data production reached to such a level that the main problem in the future will be the following: Who will process such a pile of data and how will it be done? How will it be arranged into something meaningful? (If you are looking for a job for your kid, data engineering is one of the best choices.)

The data produced between 2015 and 2016 is higher than the total number of data produced during the human history. The data produced every 5 days by ALMA radio telescope, placed in the Atacama Desert in Chile, is higher than the total number of data produced all along the history. Who will understand? Who will solve? Who will turn it into something useful? We don’t have many other choices than to use quantum computers which can be 1 and 0 and have the quality of both up and down spin at the same time. (Some people put hope in live computers too. The first Escherichia coli computer is tested.)

Everyday news are released about an organ produced in a 3D printer at an advanced R&D center in some part of the world. The transplantation of these organs to humans will start in 5 -10 years. After staying at the factories for a long time, the robots make a quick start in the daily life. Pepper, one of the two robots designed for the house and introduced to the market, began to serve as a Buddhist priest. (In the villages and mainly at the funerals, there is lack of Buddhist priest.) These robots are used in many hotels but the most interesting field of work is in Belgium, I think. In a newborn ward in Belgium, the robots began to serve as nurse so that babies get familiarized with them as soon as they are born. However, Jibo is not a robot in the familiar sense, in other words, it’s not walking. It only rotates at a fix spot and talks to you. It can control all instruments in the house, fulfills the orders. Do you need plane ticket or will ask for a tomato sauce from the grocery? Jibo does all of them. However, it has another superior quality as a perfect teacher for your kid. Like the applications you download to your mobile phone, you will be able to use it as a teacher for your kid by loading everything from Chinese language to mathematics etc… whatever necessary to have it serving as a teacher to your kid. What’s more, it detects, thanks to the downloaded algorithms, the weak points of the kid and allows to improve them by repeating in various forms. And it’s sold at an affordable price varying between $499-599 (MIT Media Lab). However, the problem is that you pay money today both for Jibo and Pepper but you can have them 2 years later at the earliest; the demand is so high. Indeed, many robots of house will be launched to the market in a few years. On the other hand, extensive works are under way to establish contact between live organisms and computers. (One of the scientists working in this field is Alper Bozkurt doing researches at the North Carolina University. In 2015, Alper Bozkurt was selected as one of the 10 most brilliant scientists of the word and honored us.) This progress has of course a frightening aspect too. Works are conducted to implement these innovations into the military area. Some argue that even the human brain would be hacked. However, accept it or not, technology advances very fast. We cannot stop it with our fears.

price varying between $499-599 (MIT Media Lab). However, the problem is that you pay money today both for Jibo and Pepper but you can have them 2 years later at the earliest; the demand is so high. Indeed, many robots of house will be launched to the market in a few years. On the other hand, extensive works are under way to establish contact between live organisms and computers. (One of the scientists working in this field is Alper Bozkurt doing researches at the North Carolina University. In 2015, Alper Bozkurt was selected as one of the 10 most brilliant scientists of the word and honored us.) This progress has of course a frightening aspect too. Works are conducted to implement these innovations into the military area. Some argue that even the human brain would be hacked. However, accept it or not, technology advances very fast. We cannot stop it with our fears.

Therefore, it’s a must to switch our education system from past-focused to future-focused. We should make ready our companies to develop products/services and technologies to be demanded. If we want to rank our country among the leaders of the new century, we have to train our youths and provide the companies with the capability to meet the needs of the new era. Otherwise, like our empire which collapsed because it missed the industrial revolution, we will be ranking again among the losing countries. (Of course, the industrial revolution was not the unique notion missed by the Ottoman Empire.)

This above picture obliges me to do something in this regard as a human giving importance to be a world citizen but also loving his country and his people. I do several things about this issue in the social area. (Don’t ask what I’m doing, I will not tell it because my family moral values don’t allow me to talk about.) Besides that, I also try at the conferences to tell people one by one how this new world will be destructive. With the same purpose, I also replaced the economy with science and technology in my programme featured at CNN Türk. During my broadcast ‘Dünyanın 1001 Hali’ (1001 States of the World), I try to tell the transformations and changes in science, technology and life in a simple language to those who are curious to learn. And I wish that everyone who read this article until the end will think about what he can do and how himself/herself, his/her acquaintances, the country and the humanity can contribute to this transformation.