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KARAMANCI Holding Chairman Mehmet Fatih Karamancı, remembered the old election period during our conversation at the premiere night of Endeavor held by President Murat Özyeğin. - Municipalities used to get in the line to buy our ‘Superlite pipes’ during the approaching local elections. Because when the election period approached, a rush to service citizens used to occur and efforts in infrastructure investment would increase. - What is the situation now? - There is no longer such rush during election periods in recent years. Things are in the regular run. During the interview with Karamancı, I checked my interview notes that I had with Akbank Chairman Suzan Sabanci Dinçer. Dinçer, regarding to the three -year Medium Term Plan ( 2014- 2016 )announced by Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, gave the following message: MTP, has combined the world economy situation today with the specific facts about Turkey’s economy. This might be challenging about macroeconomic parameters but with rational goals. Suzan Sabancı Dinçer, warned about the liquidity restriction in world economy’s agenda and asked to be careful and not to have too much optimism, saying: Our desire is to see our country complete 2013 by 5 percent growth. However, because of difficulties related on growth in the world economy, it seems to be difficult. It is a bit sad that the growth is projected as 4.5 percent in the period of four years covering 2013-2016. Considering the $ 2 trillion national income target in 2023, she added: I wish our growth rate would be close to 6 percent per year towards 2023. To be able to do this with avoiding financing risks, domestic savings rate suppose to reach 18-19 percent of national income. However it is at a low level with 12,6 percent currently. She underlined the basic criteria of savings rate increase: To increase the savings rate, a society trusting in the future and at peace with itself is required. Turkey’s growth rate is seriously depends on softened political environment, the consensus of political parties and social peace. I reminded Dinçer that 2014 was going to be the “election year”: Turkey’s economy is less affected by political developments in recent years and its own dynamics were more determining. We still have our positive expectations regarding the economy during the election period. We have observed a reduction in budgetary deficit and it shows us that a disciplined budget management was implemented in 2013 just before the elections. Fatih Karamancı and Suzan Sabancı Dinçer’s observations are consistent with each other’s. AKP government from the outset, have been able to manage the policies that Kemal Dervis laid foundation immediately after the 2001 crisis and Turkey has moved away from the concept of election economy. In the spring of 2014 local elections and in the fall presidential elections will be held. Perhaps the general election will take place in 2015 will merge with presidential election. This situation will become clearer with the local election results. Economy will be dropped to second place in 2014 due to elections. This might create slowing effects but economy will not be affected negatively from elections. However, we will be more sensitive to fluctuations happening in the world.