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Finance in the Digital World of 2025


TO RE-IMAGINE THE FUTURE, it is necessary to focus on different technologies. The financial sector is one of the growing sectors by keeping technology on its radar. According to Deloitte’s latest Finance 2025: Digital Transformation in Finance Report, eight major changes await us.
1. Finance factory: Transactions will be contactless as automation and blockchain dig deeper into finance operations.
2. The role of finance: By automating operations, finance will double its business insights and service.
3. Financial cycles: In finance, periodic reporting will no longer drive operations
Finance in the Digital World of 2025
2025’in Dijital Dünyasında Finans
and decisions.
4. Self-service: Self-service will become the norm.
5. Operating models: As robots and algorithms join a more diverse financial workforce, new service delivery models will emerge.
6. Enterprise resource planning: Finance applications and microservices will challenge traditional ERP.
7. Data: The proliferation of APIs will drive data standardization, but it will not be enough.
8. Workforce and workplace: Employees will implement new strategies in finance and technology more in their work.